Clearly, we would need to allow for interest on any amounts borrowed to finance the development.
The $130 billion estimate does not include interest payments on the money borrowed to finance the program.
And so we began to borrow abroad to finance the deficit.
Second, borrowing to finance the transition to private accounts could very well cost more than doing nothing.
Thus, borrowing against a first home to finance a second may not make sense.
They noted that the chancellor did not say how much the government would have to borrow to finance the tax cut.
The federal government borrows from the public to finance a deficit.
However the business was not profitable and the directors borrowed to finance further investment.
The company borrowed £3000 to finance the work, which cost around £5000 in total.
They were empowered to borrow £14,300 to finance the work, and an additional £6,000 if this became necessary.