A private commercial investment would work, but until we pay down some of our start-up costs, our public borrowing capacity is limited.
But the city faces a problem in finding the money, as it is at the limits of its borrowing capacity.
Thursday's news extended that to all of its borrowing capacity.
But to increase its borrowing capacity, Boeing has taken the reverse route.
"Whether the state uses its own borrowing capacity or transfers it to an authority really doesn't matter," she said.
"We've reached the limits of our borrowing capacity," he added.
New Jersey's annual borrowing capacity is somewhat above $300 million.
City officials want to increase the borrowing capacity by adding the personal income tax base to that sum.
Pennzoil has $2.6 billion, plus additional borrowing capacity elsewhere in the company.
The company would have long-term debt of less than $3 billion, leaving ample borrowing capacity for possible acquisitions.