The state-line boss fell in the soft mud near the edge of the water.
Players must determine whether they attack on the field, in a dungeon, or as an event-related attack (bosses and special monsters fall under this category).
"What chance does an employee stand when the boss is falling in love?"
Curiously, it is now when Val's boss has his seizure, and falls over the mall balcony to the floor below.
Miss Quo cast her eyes down modestly, pleased that her new boss had fallen into favor with such a powerful man.
The bosses who hand out these electronic chains fall into this category, too.
She turned nineteen, having finished secondary school, and earnd a job in a draper's shop, where her boss promptly fell in love with her.
The victim's boss, a sixty-something white man, had fallen to his knees in the parking lot and started to cry after making the ID.
When our boss fell to the ground, that's when I realized it was a holdup.
His 2008 upset defeat followed by corruption charges sent a shockwave in New Jersey politics as a one time political boss and powerbroker had fallen.