Would you work for a company where the bosses only offer an unwritten job contract?
Chances are, your boss doesn't offer child care and the woman down the street is at work.
The boss of the research company finds him and offers him a job, which Clark declines.
MacKenzie's bosses offered her another night fronting the nightly broadcast.
Unexpectedly, his thoughts went to the job his former boss had offered him, to return to the mailroom with a promise of management training.
When her boss offers her the job of restaurant manager because "I want someone who isn't going anywhere.
Your boss offers you a promising new assignment with an exalted title, describing the job as a big step ahead.
His boss offered to take him off the book assignment in light of his wife's death.
If your boss offered you the promotion, he thinks you're the one to do the job.
The boss offered me either a raise or additional vacation time, so I chose the latter.