If your boss promised you miraculous changes and then failed to deliver?
This time, his boss promised, the information would be broadcast widely, not kept in secret files for use by elder races and star gods.
"But his boss has promised to vouch for him because he is such a good worker."
Most people would be pleased if the boss promised them a soft leather jacket for a job well done.
These days, my boss promises that if he wins the lottery, he'll give me a car phone (but not a car).
The boss invited the Cutolo family to his home and promised to settle everything.
Your boss promised me it'd be here by two o'clock!
What's more, your boss has promised annual raises of at least $500, maybe even $1,000, and these will yield an annual surplus!
If the boss promises advancement or threatens disadvantaged treatment on the job, the appearance of complete and voluntary participation is readily undermined.
The bosses in Detroit have promised not to push Saturn for results too quickly.