According to its website, Crabtree & Evelyn uses over 160 "natural botanical ingredients" in its skin care products.
Will that wrinkle cream full of botanical ingredients give you smoother skin or a painful, red mess that takes days to clear up?
Lubricant made with botanical ingredients.
Thicker formula made with botanical ingredients.
The wax is usually infused with various botanical ingredients such as Aloe vera, chamomile, tea tree oil and azulene.
Post-distillation flavoring of both jonge and oude genever varies by region, with some recipes calling for up to 70 different botanical ingredients.
The new product contains azadirachtin and pyrethrins, which are derived from botanical ingredients.
(Just one: the preshave oil formulated with "botanical ingredients"; about $22.)
D'Alessio's version of the libation contained other botanical ingredients in addition to wormwood.
It is made from fermented grain or potato mash and flavored with caraway, cumin, angelica, and other botanical ingredients.