The botched attacks of July 21 have made the debate more urgent.
In the aftermath, questions are raised about the true nature of the events leading up to the botched attack.
Several other IRA members were wounded in the botched attack.
The investigators say it is possible that a large logistical network helped the men responsible for the botched attacks in London.
A Palestinian student suspected in a botched terrorist attack that killed seven people surrendered to the police today.
The series of botched attacks in which innocent bystanders were killed has led some who supported the I.R.A. to turn against it.
The botched attack was the latest in a series in which at least 19 civilians have been killed in the last year.
The group was thought to be responsible for a botched attack on a Catholic taxi company in north Belfast early this morning.
David and most of his teammates were ultimately killed during a botched attack on a Jihadist training camp.
With speculation it was a botched terrorist attack on Central.