Thirty people drowned when a botched effort to thwart the flight resulted in the sinking of the 19th-century vessel.
"It was mishandled at virtually every step," said a senior Government official who contributed his share to the botched effort.
After Bangkok, instances of violence in camps in Malaysia and the Philippines followed botched efforts at forcible returns.
She had an insane tattoo on her thigh, smudged by botched efforts to have it removed.
Mr. Blake tried hard to distance the proceedings from last year's session, which was viewed as a botched effort to muzzle angry shareholders.
But some Republicans suggested that Enron was being used as a whipping boy by Californians for their botched effort at deregulating their electricity market.
A third tale of persecution and revenge concerns a family curse brought on by a doctor's botched efforts to create a hybrid being that's part human, part mule.
A botched effort by his supporters last week to seize two mosques in Karbala, about 50 miles south of Baghdad, appears to have further drained his support.
I was a PFC during the second botched effort to end it all.
Southern California Edison and PG&E, the state's two largest utilities, have run up huge losses because of California's botched effort to deregulate its power market.