We now know from Internal Affairs's botched handling of the first call in the Louima case that he was right.
He shouldered some responsibility for the botched handling of the rescue operations.
He and other Republicans were already upset at the Treasury Department for what they saw as the botched handling of the Dubai ports deal.
On 16 August, he was dismissed from the Ministry of Railways, ostensibly because of his botched handling of the press conference.
The left politicized the unforgivably botched handling of the disaster by the government.
However, the botched handling of the Air India investigation and the case in general suffered a setback to Indo-Canadian relations.
Relationships between commander and company did not improve until he was replaced at the end of 1943 for his botched handling of the event.
But Guangdong officials, perhaps motivated by the harsh criticism they received for their botched handling of the initial outbreak last year, seemed determined to act aggressively.
Mr. Kennedy played a critical role in the botched handling of the White House travel staff investigation.
Gove, who is due to answer questions in the Commons tomorrow, has personally accepted the blame for the botched handling of the school rebuilding programme cuts.