In those days, most people who applied to schools like Harvard were admitted because people who weren't from the right social class didn't bother applying.
The job comes with such intense scrutiny and so certain a guarantee of failure that only one other person even bothered applying for it.
They just viewed themselves as the aggressors, and so didn't think to bother applying best-practices to themselves.
If you are the sort who sometimes sits out elections, for reasons of political principle or personal convenience, don't bother applying for a job in the Bush administration.
Deeply bronzed, he doesn't bother applying suntan lotion.
Another friend, graduating as a math major, was advised not to bother applying for a graduate research assistantship because they were not given to women.
As a result, it is very common for compilers for stack machines to never bother applying code-factoring optimizations.
He did not bother applying for a patent until he came to the belated realization that he could potentially profit from his invention.
Unless you can break 40 minutes for 10K or three hours in the marathon, said Hearn, don't bother applying.
Normally I wouldn't even bother applying for unemployment insurance.