He said, his voice low and vicious, "Don't bother wasting your time sleeping with her.
I wouldn't bother wasting your time chasing a pharmaceutical company to track down batches of this if I were you.
He couldn't even bother wasting time reprimanding himself for all the days he had already let slip through his fingers.
From what I see, the damage is now irreversible and I wouldn't bother wasting time in changing this person.
'If you don't want to see what it's like I shan't bother wasting my time.'
If you' ll ask me there is so little attractive about her, I wouldn't bother wasting paper to print her face on it.
He wasn't in the Army- indeed, most of his practice involved opposing military lawyers-so they didn't bother wasting politeness on him.
Why bother wasting time and resources to innovate something new when you're not sure if it has been patented?
By the way the base commandant spoke, he'd get a blindfold if he messed that one up; nobody'd bother wasting a cigarette on him.
You need not bother wasting any more of your time on me now that I have seen through you.