Studies suggest that only about 5 to 15 percent of women have menopausal symptoms bothersome enough to prompt them to seek medical attention.
Cardioversion and medicines don't work for some people who continue to have bothersome symptoms.
The tests your doctor may do depend in part on your most bothersome symptoms.
If you have bothersome symptoms despite home treatment, you may want to consider a surgical procedure.
Tingling in the hands, feet, or both is an extremely common and bothersome symptom.
But some people have painful and bothersome symptoms.
Still, experts say soy is worth a try for women with bothersome symptoms.
Some 10 years ago, a close friend who was a struggling artist started to have vague but increasingly bothersome symptoms.
Often the most bothersome symptom is the location or increased size that makes the lipoma noticeable by others.
During this time, many of the bothersome symptoms that a woman experienced prior to menopause, gradually ease for most women.