But bottled-up emotions from the war spilled over once again this week as the result of an announced plan by Mrs. Kappler to return to Rome to promote a book that she has written about her husband.
Or a child raised in a family that never openly expresses feelings may copy this behavior and become vulnerable to depression when bottled-up emotions can no longer be contained.
And those bottled-up emotions are unleashed in bursts of brilliance, or in heaves of sorrow on the locker room floor.
You guys weren't-I mean, triple yuk-" I held up my hand, trying not to shriek from bottled-up emotion.
Gaura felt his bottled-up emotions come close to brimming over.
The therapist should be clear about his purpose in encouraging expression of bottled-up emotions.
Despite their bottled-up emotions, though, Jackson and Justin Quayle are not remotely the same, and the gradual unveilings of their characters take them in radically different directions.
While he was living in Orlando, Florida, Conroy's 5th grade basketball team defeated a team of 6th graders, making the sport his prime outlet for bottled-up emotions for more than a dozen years.
He had the biggest balls of any man I ever saw, and no wonder if at times his bottled-up emotions burst forth!
You have bottled-up emotions and you have to express them.