Evidence from sea floor sediment reaches farther into the past, but is subject to bottom currents, landslides and other alterations.
The chimney was covered with mats of growth that undulated in the bottom currents as if in rhythm to music from the speakers.
Both types of water can circulate in marine sediments due to tidal pumping, waves, bottom currents or density driven transport processes.
A strong bottom current can move such particles long distances, Dr. Hollister added.
Academician Ridge also plays an important role in deep-water mixing processes and the circulation of bottom currents.
From here, bottom currents would transport the dumped heavy toxic muds downslope to the deeper abyss for more permanent burial.
"The recent discovery of powerful bottom currents that change with the seasons," it says, "demonstrates the depth of our lack of knowledge."
The bottom current's probably swirling debris around, so you never see the same object twice-or you miss things completely.
Frederick Grassle of Rutgers University said some sludge was reaching the bottom immediately west of the site, as predicted from bottom currents.
"I told you, Mr. Brayson," he said with a voice as cold as the North Sea's bottom currents.