Hadn't this humble carpenter "picked up 12 men from the bottom ranks of business and forged them into an organization that conquered the world"?
"The bottom rank of journalists is the least respected," said a reporter for one of China's most distinguished newspapers.
Most are from the bottom ranks, he said, but some have as many as 21 years on the job.
Despite initially being a very high profile candidate for leadership, his organizational efforts were disappointing, placing him in the bottom rank of remaining candidates.
This was the fourth time of her was in bottom ranks, but three times previously, she always got the immunity idol.
Each of the nations singled out is in the bottom rank of every human rights assessment.
Mississippi, Arizona and Utah held the very bottom ranks.
And instead of being in the bottom rank of throws, the toss was very near the top.
"He picked 12 men from the bottom ranks of the business and forged them into an organization that conquered the world," reads a typical Barton sentence.
Spending dollars on teacher development does not guarantee good test results, nor does lack of such spending relegate a district to the bottom ranks.