The blind electric ray is caught in bottom trawls and may be threatened by commercial fisheries within its range.
It is caught as bycatch in commercial bottom trawls, though its population does not seem to have suffered from fishing activity.
This shark is caught incidentally in bottom trawls operated by commercial fisheries targeting other species.
It is often taken by bottom trawls and various kinds of artisanal fishing gear.
There is little to no fishing activity across most of this species' range, and its preference for rocky habitats mostly protect it from bottom trawls.
It is taken primarily by bottom trawls on the continental shelf and considered to be a good table fish.
O. vulgaris is caught by bottom trawls on a huge scale off the northwestern coast of Africa.
Some species of stingarees are regularly caught incidentally in bottom trawls by commercial fisheries.
It is susceptible to incidental capture by commercial bottom trawls, gillnets, or line gear.
In the Mediterranean, this shark is caught incidentally by bottom trawl and gillnet fisheries.