The trumpet worm is often eaten by bottom-feeding fish including juvenile common dabs and plaice.
As in most bottom-feeding fish, its upper jaw projects further than the lower and the snout overhangs the mouth.
This scaleless bottom-feeding fish can grow to 8 feet long and weigh 350 pounds.
While the proboscis of a spoon worm is on the surface it is at risk of predation by bottom-feeding fish.
Suckers are a bottom-feeding fish common across throughout many parts of the US.
He has also shot sea bass and fluke, a bottom-feeding fish.
Millions of years ago, thick-bodied, bottom-feeding fish swam these icy waters almost alone.
The longnose sucker is a bottom-feeding fish, eating aquatic plants, algae, and small invertebrates.
It is a slow-moving, bottom-feeding fish that picks for food in the mud of swamps and rivers.
Fin rot and cancers afflict some bottom-feeding fish.