He has been turning down offers to buy the company since at least 2005.
I have been buying it since 1967, every single copy!
As for the post pc era, I haven't felt the need to buy a new computer since late 2007.
The company has been growing through acquisitions, buying 10 companies since 2002.
India has bought more than $5 billion worth of Israeli equipment since 2002.
Where nobody's had to buy any silverware since two hundred years ago.
In Finland those under 18 years old have not been allowed to buy any fireworks since 2009.
So far, the company has paid about $11 million to 6,000 of the 15,000 Tampa customers who bought policies since 1990.
Books, which used to be purchased monthly, have not been bought since September, when the money ran out.
He has been buying shares since November 1998, paying an average of $89.19; they now trade at $141.58.