They could have been boulders, scattered beneath the trees.
The land between them and the cable was sandy, with huge boulders scattered through it.
We were now driving through a strange landscape of smooth black hills, almost like enormous boulders, scattered with a few stunted trees.
Big boulders scattered over the ice gave it the air of an abandoned neighborhood, old houses half demolished.
From a distance, they are rounded boulders scattered across the field.
More cairns were built on top of boulders scattered about the area.
Trees outlined the top of the rise, but enormous boulders, scattered all over the bank, would render it inaccessible, she thought.
He could just make out large boulders scattered along a shoreline.
Dirt and scree dropped down to a rubble of boulders scattered on a shoulder of land.
The trail quickly turns into a scramble through large boulders scattered across the mountain by glacial forces.