On her albums, including her new one, "Iaiá" (World Village), Ms. Salmaso reaches into the boundless resources of Brazil's musical past.
While he briefly noted the USSR's 'authoritarian' form of government, Davies praised the nation's boundless natural resources and the contentment of Soviet workers while 'building socialism'.
All the countries and rebel groups involved in the three-year-old war have often violated the agreement, preferring to fight on to assure their own security, or to plunder Congo's boundless resources.
Throughout the evening, he played with Apollonian poise and seemingly effortless refinement, a large dynamic range and boundless technical resources.
This dream denotes boundless resources of wealth, happiness and learning.
An unlooked for consequence of the railroad, is the increased acquaintance it has given the American people with the boundless resources of their own soil.
"The concept that we have boundless resources of materials, manpower and spirit and therefore can waste, clearly no longer is true," he wrote.
Cues of this trait include words and phrases like great, peace-loving, progressive, successful, prosperous, powerful, capable, made great advances, has boundless resources, firmly defend borders, decide our own fate.
Russia has nuclear weapons, it has boundless resources, and it has played a key role in shaping European and world history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
"We are the country of boundless resources, but we are paradoxically a poor country" said Mr. Markov of the Ukrainian Embassy.