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Aloft, the stars were dimming, and there was no sign to show that a tiny fleet of ships was dwindling away into the boundless universe.
It reveals our sense of aloneness and vulnerability within a staggeringly boundless universe, and our innate need to believe in a greater power.
The love she had wanted to share with her Duke and their son seemed so insignificant in comparison with the boundless universe and all it encompassed.
She was about to peer into a boundless new universe, a separate realm, teeming with infinite life-forms.
Anything may exist, in a boundless universe with multiple dimensions.
Who are we in the middle of the boundless universe?
The name signifies the supreme transcendental power in the background of mysterious drama of the boundless universe.
The idea is this: The personal computer, the modem and the telephone provide all the technology one needs to tap into a boundless universe of information and services.
It is a boundless universe in which people can interact regardless of time and location.
This truth within thy mind rehearse, That in a boundless universe Is boundless better, boundless worse.