Although her bountiful vocal gifts are occasionally held somewhat in check, there's still enough here to satisfy Lee and vocal fans alike".
Despite years of bountiful gifts, Enron seems to have created no reserves of good feeling.
Brown - Represented Mother Earth and her bountiful gifts; earth, harvest, generosity.
A bountiful gift.
The small but commanding man spoke of returning the bountiful gifts with the ripeness of the infinitely fertile soil.
Surround yourself with nature's bountiful gifts as you pursue a gratifying escape from everyday life.
The fraud appears to be a bountiful gift that the confidence trickster, a generous soul and a financial wizard to boot, has bestowed upon a grateful world.
We attend our Alma Mater in never ending processions and receive bountiful gifts.
They sincerely thank nature for providing these bountiful gifts.
And the next day Arthur satisfied all the claimants upon Geraint with bountiful gifts.