His family was from Karabakh, the place he calls "the bountiful land."
It was a bountiful land.
Who led the chosen people to this bountiful land?
Bundle them into a batch, bounce them all over the bountiful land that is America.
When that link is broken, viewers see chaos and despair spread throughout the once bountiful land.
God gave the Israelites a bountiful land, but this occurred at different times in the two scriptures.
(Age 5 to 9) To which of his three sons should a farmer leave his rich and bountiful land?
Garland casts aside the classic myth of the West as a place defined by "bountiful free land" and magnificent vistas.
Someone had to validate the boy's belief in "the vision of a robust and pleasant life lived in a bountiful and beautiful land."
Yes, it is indeed a good, rich, bountiful land.