Bashara is a 29-year-old boutique owner from Lebanon.
The boutique owner said he had been lucky.
With so many boutique owners in one place, the cacophony of individual style statements was horrific.
Lori Allen is an American television personality and bridal boutique owner.
Almost everyone seems to know that the boutique owner wore a white spandex miniskirt to her wedding.
He identified as a boutique owner and former police officer.
As one boutique owner said, "These women have great bodies, but they are not the bodies that designer clothes are made for."
Residents are faithful to the small retailers and boutique owners who pride themselves on personal service.
Chic boutique owners used whatever was handy to hack away the ice in front of their stores.
A 50-ish lawyer drove off with the red one; tomorrow, Lynn White, a 61-year-old boutique owner, will pick up the black one.