The art students just ignored it all and continued drifting along in front of the boutique windows, expressions of studied angst decorating their young faces.
The owners of the complex had sought to enlarge the boutique windows to two stories and make several other changes to make it more attractive to retailers.
But after sharp criticism of the proposals, Rockefeller Center officials modified their plans, reducing the changes in scope and asking, for instance, that the boutique windows be heightened by only 3 feet 3 inches.
I spotted several on break from various conferences, peering, briefcases in hand, into boutique windows in the lobby.
But some harbingers horrify the old-timers: upscale restaurants, boutique windows displaying expensive designer jewelry and the arrival of the first ever chain store, a Ralph Lauren shop.
A guest can stay in a hotel without seeing a pair of cowboy boots, except in a boutique window.
A walk down Nanjing Road in Shanghai today reveals the new Chinese glitz under the sparkle of a thousand boutique windows.
Sudden presence of liveried guards in boutique windows.
Then he saw her standing by a boutique window, looking at a coat.
Two blocks away, Dana was looking into another boutique window, considering a nice little evening frock that looked just about right for her.