Another order followed, and Shigmur bowed deferentially to the source and walked back to his original companions.
He turned and bowed deferentially to the Emperor.
The lawyer bowed deferentially, let his client out of the door and, left alone, gave himself up to his joyful feeling.
His butler bowed deferentially and withdrew, closing the door behind him with merciful quietness.
A scarlet and blue liveried valet bowed deferentially before him.
Bruenor glanced over at Drizzt, who merely smiled and bowed deferentially.
All of them rose suddenly, bowing deferentially to the princes.
The girl rose and bowed deferentially toward Chiun.
Then he bowed deferentially, took up some tools, and stepped aside.
Instantly the man was on his knees, bowing deferentially.