Exhibits inside the studio introduce visitors to Saint-Gaudens's work, including a sleek nude figure of the Greek goddess Diana, with bow and arrow poised to shoot.
A band of some dozen mahogany-skinned natives, bows and arrows poised, were moving toward Rip and Leeskol.
Each urn is embellished with a different image - an Indian carrying game from the hunt; a centaur holding his bow poised to shoot; an old man riding a donkey, and a cow scratching its nose with its hoof.
Danja lifted her fiddle to her chin, bow poised, and looked at Jemmy who hummed an A' with his perfect pitch for her to tune her strings.
Lyode was still standing in front of her, with her bow poised.
Almost before Milliken had realized what had happened they were on top of the dinghy, the great bow poised as though to smash it under.
Hundreds of the soldiers were crouching behind the parapets, companies of archers with great bows poised, arrows at their cheeks, scores of leather jerkined men with stands of javelins at their right hands, spearsmen and men with long, thonged slings.
Mackeli was behind her, his bow poised.
They ran down his arms, moving slowly over his chest and back until desire was taut as a bow poised for firing.
City Square was a cheerless park, with arrangements of black, white and grey flowers in beds, grey stretches of grass, and a monumental, black, floodlit statue of Truro Daine dressed as a Roman emperor, fiddle tucked under his chin, bow poised to saw down.