A vote is then held on the last Friday of the following month and members drop white balls or black balls in a box bearing the member's name.
He pointed to a table on which were thirty candy boxes, each bearing the name of a Parisian confectioner.
A rusted box bearing traces of faded red paint was all that remained of an ancient truck.
A year later, Kellogg noticed that the boxes bearing Tony outsold the rest, so the other characters were retired.
A small box (JdE 61498) bearing her picture on its lid was found among the treasures of Tutankhamun.
Within each wedge are small boxes bearing the numbers 1 through 15, and there is a set of cards with instructions to add, subtract, divide or multiply.
Kate frees herself and finds she is in a large pantry filled with foodstuffs, all in boxes bearing a strange marking.
First press editions of the album also came presented in another box bearing the same artwork as the album.
Seven days later, Nell's key came back to her in a scarlet box bearing the seal of King Coyote himself.
He glanced at the other corner of his table where an open box bearing a blue and white scarf lay.