Finally, a white box displays pill bottles cast in blue.
This is a common type of dialogue box containing more information than the box can display at any one time.
In Arnie's case, students see boxes displaying choices such as "Not for me."
Finally, a white open box displays blue casts of pill bottles - containers of Prozac, perhaps, or some related pharmaceutical savior.
- and jumps back in astonishment when the little box comes to life and magically displays the up-to-the-minute score of the Knicks game.
Most boxes of color now display a chart showing how various hair colors will react with each shade of dye.
The box, which measures around 1' square by 3" high can then display pre-programmed messages on its small LCD screen.
When the user selects a file, a box on the screen displays the relevant transcribed section of the audio file.
Today, while no longer privately owned, 15 boxes still display some original trappings, like frescoes and wall and ceiling mirrors.
While the box displays two choices, "yes" and "no", the whole picture is actually one link.