The box emits a full spectrum light, and sitting in front of it appears to help reset the body's daily rhythms.
Moreover, if their kid drives too aggressively or quickly, the box will begin to beep or emit other unpleasant noises.
The box emitted another tendril of stinking smoke that drifted first southeast, then curled back on itself and pointed northwest.
On the first day they discovered that the black boxes were still emitting signals from their underwater locator beacons, which led the divers immediately to them.
As an added deterrent, the boxes emit a high-pitched noise if tampered with.
Rebus nodded towards the corner of the ceiling above the door, where a small white box was emitting a blinking red light.
Schwarz's "black box" was emitting a jamming signal that was sweeping up and down the civilian radio frequencies like a rolling wall of white noise.
Phone-fraud consultants said many phone companies are using filters that scan long-distance lines for the frequency at which the blue boxes emit tones.
Also a wall-mounted speaker unit, the box emits a steady pulse, as if an actual heartbeat were being monitored.
The box began to blink, and emitted a low white noise hiss.