Then they began getting eggs in barrels, packed between layers of oats from the Midwest, and ultimately in boxcar loads barged across the Hudson from Jersey City.
In 1878, Lotterhos pooled the products of a number of tomato growers and shipped the first boxcar load to Denver, Colorado.
It required 38 boxcar loads of brick for its construction.
It had been Brumbaugh who devised the clever system of importing boxcar loads of bat manure from the recently discovered deposits at the bottom of Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.
With pianos the favored parlor instrument, Hammacher Schlemmer began selling piano parts to piano makers throughout the country; twenty boxcar loads a year went to one customer, Kimball Brothers.
It was the middle of the Great Depression, and I had just unloaded a boxcar load of Borax with a wheelbarrow and shovel.
Then the next day we'd get sixty boxcar loads.
Mr. Van Dormael's father was a buyer in Europe for Sears, Roebuck, snapping up boxcar loads of socks to sell by mail order in America.
In 1890, he and Deats joined together and purchased seven boxcar loads (amounting to 213 tons) of "excessed" paperwork from the U.S. Treasury.
The Association of American Railroads says that rail companies hired by the Pentagon have transported to ports more than 2,000 flatbed and boxcar loads of equipment, including everything from M-1 tanks to ammunition.