The reason behind this is to hold back digital and boxed copies for a smooth launch so to avoid any problems encountered during launch.
A physical boxed copy was also sold, though it also required activation over the Internet.
Valve Software hoped this method of distribution would take off, as it delivers a greater percentage of the sale price to the game developer than boxed copies.
Symantec distributes the product as a download, a boxed copy, and as OEM software.
For software, a physical boxed copy of a game may cost a dollar in packaging and a few cents for the CD.
Games, like home video and music, are moving away from boxed copies towards digitally distributed content.
Funcom introduced the first "free trial" of the game and gave out returned boxed copies for free at the 2002 Game Developer's Conference.
Certain boxed copies of the personal computer versions included a copy of the novel as well.
The Windows version was released on October 10, 2007 as both a retail boxed copy, and as a download available through Valve's Steam service.
In August 2005, SOE reported that they had sold 1,000,000 boxed copies of the game.