The partners are best known for designing simple, boxlike buildings that are wrapped in screens and layers to alter the viewers' perception of structure and space.
A prototype hotel was designed in 1984 in the form of a long, linear three or four story boxlike building covered by precast concrete slabs.
The Waffle Hut was a small, rectangular, boxlike building with a dozen tables and a long counter facing the grill, where everything was cooked in the open.
As Max drove up to the entrance and checked in with the gatehouse he scanned the nondescript boxlike buildings.
It was in a cheaply constructed, boxlike, one-story building on a desolate street of bars, car-repair shops, and empty lots.
But light will enter the entire rear side of the green boxlike building.
And besides, the boxlike, unadorned buildings of the postwar era did not hold the same attraction for him.
He has also decorated his boxlike buildings with swirling canopies to pump life back into the restaurants and shops above.
It soared above the complex of boxlike ancillary buildings that surrounded it, above town and plain.
They approached the boxlike buildings in the center.