Here and there a weak little iron hoop, through which bold boys aspire to throw their friends' caps (its only present use), retains its place among the rusty foliage, sacred to the memory of departed oil.
When he came along, little Irish boys didn't aspire to do things like be commissioner.
It had irritated me-- an adolescent boy does not aspire to sweetness.
Catholics have long seen the role of altar boy, or acolyte, as a gateway to the priesthood as young boys aspire to be like the priest.
It seems the boy aspires to take the black.
Having learned this lesson, and starved for his mother's attention, the boy, who is nicknamed Cherry Vanilla, aspires to supplant his mom and become the best lot lizard in the state.
A Japanese boy could logically aspire to Jefferson, and in recent years some were making it, but Punahoul Kamejiro sat down, bewildered.
The boys aspired to living what they perceived to be the "authentic" way in Antarctica, eschewing the comforts of base for the derring-do they associated with the old days.
Both their fathers were sculptors at the quarries, and those two boys, unlike myself, aspired to follow their fathers' trade of art, but more ambitiously than their fathers had done.
Following the death of his mother the boy now aspires to go to Thimphu with one wish- to see his father.