The boys overhear the gang talking about stealing some jewels.
The boys stood watch, but could overhear the conversation, as could the other men, for no one else was speaking in the cavern and the sound carried well.
Returning to Bayport, the boys overhear a plot to steal the satellite camera the very next day.
One boy overhears their plans and immediately confronts Janet's parents, who call the police.
At an art gallery the boy overhears a conversation making clear that Joe and his mother are dating, which enrages Simon.
It was unclear whether the older boys were waiting for the Barima children or simply overheard them and climbed the short flight of stairs.
From what the boys overheard, they figured that the troopers planned to raid the house.
A boy overhears some chickens planning a strike.
Apparently, the boy had overheard him speaking to Marek on the path and had concluded they were Irish.
During the afternoon the boys overheard some of the visitors commenting on the Millwood exhibit.