No rational person would suppose that a ten-year-old boy would roam the interstate, waiting for a police roadblock to stop traffic and provide an opportunity to steal from motorists.
Before letting the boys roam the Convention Center, Mr. Bankston escorted them to a V.I.P lounge for bagels.
The boys roamed about the fields, talking in this manner, until after sunset, when Thomas said it was time to return.
Palestinian boys in leather jackets - armed with automatic rifles and looking like extras from the movie "West Beirut" - roam around firing back at the Israelis.
She said school officials were shocked by the news that the boy had been roaming the halls of the school with a loaded gun in his backpack.
Then, while two boys roam the wood in search of a Christmas tree, one sees the rock and is inspired.
The chapters set in rural Georgia during the Depression are particularly interesting, recalling a vanished time when a boy could roam freely with fishing pole or gun in hand, and with seemingly endless territory to explore.
The boys roam a paradise of fishponds, waterfalls, and mountains with herds of deer.
A young boy named Drake, the only survivor of the massacre, escapes into the forests of Duskwood and roams Ardon for years, seeking revenge against the undead.
The boys roamed the street at night.