Her boyfriend, Richard, whose body is also found at the scene, apparently killed her and then committed suicide.
Also surprising was that in nearly one-third of the cases where husbands and boyfriends killed women, the men also tried to kill themselves.
The Brooklyn women's boyfriend killed her on a night he had come home drinking and accused her of having an affair.
Veronica tries to find out if Sarah's boyfriend killed her.
Her father told authorities that her daughter's boyfriend killed her.
Her boyfriend kills people - in her honor, of course.
Well, if your boyfriend killed your daughter, you would be genuinely distraught, too.
A young mother was kicked out after her boyfriend killed a woman on the other side of town.
When they hear my boyfriend killed himself, they're going to be standoffish for a long time.
It is reported that a husband or boyfriend kills a woman every six hours in South Africa.