Justin discovers that Sophie's boyfriend, Russ Owen was sleeping with Mercedes McQueen when Sophie died.
It then goes back to the present, where Shontelle is getting into a taxi while her boyfriend sleeps on the sofa.
The secondary plot revolves around an urban black woman whose boyfriend is sleeping with her two best friends, but the three are united against the boyfriend when he begins sleeping with the daughter of the above mentioned family.
The young women all said they knew their boyfriends slept with other women.
All unarrived "boyfriends" could now sleep in the dumpster.
My boyfriend is sleeping with a bronzed giantess.
The lyric concerns a woman's discovery that her boyfriend has been sleeping with another man.
She later discovers that her boyfriend, Artie, is sleeping with another woman.
The conversation may not be "Nightline" or even "Letterman," but it covers topics more sophisticated than "my boyfriend is sleeping with my sister," a staple of daytime television.
There was Frank Connor, 15, plagued by severe learning disabilities, who accidentally pulled the trigger as his mother and her boyfriend slept in the room next door.