Boys Republic High School - a treatment center for troubled boys ages from 12 - 18.
The chorus consists of girls and boys ages 5-18.
It is a special place within the camp that has programs and facilities specifically designed for boys ages 6-10.
They have an active year long camping, community and outdoor program for boys ages of 11 - 17 years old.
There are also youth races where boys ages 16-18 races with a 30 lb sack and a children's class.
It was also Cartoon Network's most popular series among boys ages 2-11.
The boys ages range from 10 to 14.
From 1961 to 2012 Linden Hill School served boys ages 9-16 of average to above average intelligence who had learning difficulties.
This type of torsion is the most common cause of acute scrotal pain in boys ages 7-14.
But now, there are more than 30 youth league teams for boys ages 8-16 in Moscow.