Feet braced wide, both arms stretched out across the counter and fingers gripping the inner edge, he looked around at the shambles.
Legs braced wide, he swayed drunkenly, facing the horrified councilors.
He now stood, legs braced wide in a posture of confrontation.
The great black muscles of his chest and arms swelled, and he stood with his legs braced wide against the weight.
Gabriel stood on the quarterdeck, feet braced wide, his hands clasped behind him.
The Crow stood rigid with his feet braced wide, snoring a warning.
He stood his ground, feet braced wide.
Legs braced wide, he arched his hips forward, trying to slide deeper into her moist, hot grip.
Matt raised his rifle and leaned far out, held only by the rope's loop, legs braced wide on the pontoon.
"Don't feel bad," Maycroft said, standing with his feet braced wide even though he was on nearly level ground.