I now saw, in his hand, coiled, several slender loops of braided leather.
The wide, swiftly closing loop of braided leather fell about her running body.
Bearing coils of braided leather, we worked toward the bull from three sides.
He reached into his robes and pulled out a small gray medallion on a length of braided leather.
After a long, hard stare the sailor disappeared and came back with another, a man who carried a braided leather lash.
Rafiq had a loop of thin braided leather in his hands.
The fellow all fussed up with silver and braided leather can't get out and do anything.
His hair had been expertly cut, and he wore a headband of braided leather.
In one hand he held a heavy whip made from braided human leather.
A few moments later, he returned with a piece of braided leather.