His lean arms and legs were strong as braided ropes.
Clutching thick braided ropes, we pulled our spent bodies to the top, dropped down and ran the last few yards holding hands overhead.
She clutched the cross that dangled from a braided rope around her waist.
He had taken a golden heart-shaped locket from a prisoner and hung it on a thin braided rope.
But through his boots he felt the pressure on the braided rope behind him, and knew he would win that bet.
There was a braided rope attached to either end.
I took the braided white rope, watched it dangling like a valuable necklace from my fingers.
It was woven of twisted vine limbs, bound with thin, braided rope.
The rider tightly fastens one hand to the bull with a long braided rope.
A rider mounts a bull and grips a flat braided rope.