In the case of Toki Tori, sections of new levels included braille code that referred to latitude and longitude coordinates of Two Tribes' headquarters.
A third system was to assign braille codes according to frequency, with the simplest patterns (and therefore quickest ones to write) assigned to the most frequent letters of the alphabet.
Today different braille codes (or code pages) are used to map character sets of different languages to the six bit cells.
Different braille codes are also used for different uses like mathematics and music.
Like the Perkins, the Mountbatten has a key corresponding to each of the six dots of the braille code.
By simultaneously pressing different combinations of the six keys, users can create any of the characters in the braille code.
This is known as braille code, or code page.
There are also different braille codes in use for special purposes, like writing shorthand, mathematics or music.
As the coursework became more advanced, he found that he needed a braille code that would more effectively handle the kinds of math and science material he was tackling.
What a normal person mentally records with the help of capitals, underlining and asterisks, etc. , Mae did with her unique braille codes.