Just as the central brain affects the gut, the gut's brain can talk back to the head, Dr. Gershon said.
The brains of humans or animals affected with prion disease show characteristics histopathological changes.
The illness blocks signals from the brain getting to muscles, causing weight-loss and affecting speech.
His liver was fearfully congested, his brain affected, and already it was impossible for him to recognize any one.
These cells literally keep the brain awake, he said, by sending arousal signals via neurotransmitters to every part of the cortex, ultimately affecting billions of cells.
I think all his spare parts affected his brain.
We know very little about how the brain affects temperament.
"From what Giriaenn told me about what happens when Manraloth try to link minds together, it could spread indefinitely as each new brain affected becomes an amplifier, a transmitter."
Neal E. Miller, an experimental psychologist whose conviction that the brain affects human behavior led him to conduct groundbreaking work in biofeedback, died on March 23.
How the brain affects the body's endocrine and immune systems.