When the subjects were given nicotine, these differences diminished greatly: brain metabolism decreased among women and increased in men.
It seems that REM sleep is crucial to brain metabolism and temperature regulation.
By the age of around ten years, brain metabolism has reduced to adult levels for most cortical regions.
(The main aim in induced comas is to reduce the intracranial pressure, not brain metabolism).
Ought to be getting chemical psychotherapy, have their brain metabolisms straightened out.
Stress will certainly affect the levels of a number of hormones circulating in the bloodstream and it could well alter brain metabolism.
Wasn't it skill, in Buchsbaum's experiments, that lowered brain metabolism?
The study is believed to be the first to look at brain metabolism in response to cell phone exposure.
His insight was due to the change in his brain metabolism.
Like most animal tissues, brain metabolism depends primarily on glucose for fuel in most circumstances.