He serves the godmind called the Delph in return for a drugless brain stimulator called Coobla.
In this study, European researchers followed 19 people with disabling essential tremor who did not respond to drug therapy and had a brain stimulator implanted.
The long-term implantation of electrodes into human brain tissue is already being done with deep brain stimulators that alleviate chronic pain and movement disorders.
He said he hoped the doctors would adjust the brain stimulator to deliver stronger shocks.
Pacemaker-like devices known as deep brain stimulators have shown promise for some patients who have run out of drug options.
In this case, some experts say a gene therapy experiment is particularly questionable because Parkinson's patients could have brain stimulators implanted instead.
Initiated a landmark clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of deep brain stimulators for Parkinson's disease.
Though they are called deep brain stimulators, the devices actually work by inhibiting nerve impulses in parts of the brain that are too active.
Although deep brain stimulators are often compared to pacemakers, there is a striking difference.
Other possible effects under basic research include anticancer, brain stimulator, cough preventor and antidiarrhoeal activities.