The Chicago River and its two branches divided the city into three districts.
All these arterial branches further divide into arcades which then supply the colon at regular intervals.
Above ground, the branches divide into smaller branches and shoots.
Each branch is then divided into offices and divisions, each headed by an assistant director.
The executive branch is divided into Federal Ministries, each headed by a minister appointed by the President.
The branches divide dichotomously at the nodes and these are often swollen.
The branches are mostly horizontal and often divide near the tip, sometimes fusing with other branches.
The inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve or the inferior division, the larger, divides into three branches.
Western branch divides into Ahvenkoski and Klåsarö branches, both having one mouth.
Each branch divides in the middle into 5 subpossibilities, which partly come together again towards the end.