Shamed by the words of the deity, the mbos tree quickly returned to earth with its branches intertwined so that no one can climb it or pass under its shadow.
There were light globes situated around the knot of trees, but the trunks were thick enough and the branches intertwined sufficiently that a large portion of the illumination was blocked from the inside.
Then, the course shifts dramatically, with the 12th hole running through a bosky arcade of pines, their branches intertwined in one continuous canopy along each side of the fairway.
They had the table he'd made, and chairs constructed of branches intertwined and lashed together.
The brush grew as high as a mounted man's head, the sturdy trunks just far enough apart to let a horse pass, but the barbed branches intertwined and exacted a cruel toll.
The horse angled near a second elm, its branches intertwined with the one near the giant, and Elbryan leaped away, running, surefooted, along one rain-slicked limb.
Three massive trees in the front yard had fallen toward the street, angled toward each other, branches intertwined, as if three swordsmen had touched their blades together.
The gods transform their house into a grand palace and the couple into a pair of trees with branches intertwined.
The trees resembled scrubby pines, none more than two meters tall, their gnarled branches intertwined into an impenetrable thicket.
The trees leaned above it and their grey branches intertwined so that it crouched in semi-darkness like a monstrous dwarf over" whose shoulder ogres leer.