The Blackwater River is formed at Cilleyville, a village in the western part of the town of Andover, by the junction of two branch streams that lack official names on current maps.
Annual average precipitation is 1,251mm, and Namdae Stream, a branch stream of Geum River, is flowing through Muju-eup.
The branch stream called Kimiria receives the waters of the Birupa (a distributary of the Mahanadi, Kelo and Genguti before re joining the main stream at Indupur.
The name is believed to derive from the reliable water supply compared with mills on the branch streams.
Naturally enough, the Zegler property was on a stream that came in from the northern edge of the map, traveled westward, crossed the road and joined another branch stream.
Within the city-state the Elbe has a number of branch streams, such as Dove Elbe, Gose Elbe, Köhlbrand, Northern Elbe (Norderelbe), Reiherstieg, Southern Elbe (Süderelbe).
The water running off the mountain in this rain had not yet reached the pool, but it would soon start pouring in from branch streams and runoff gullies, and I'd be forced to swim until I could swim no longer.
He's certainly traveling in the right direction-that branch stream will make a good shortcut, now I come to think about it.
Projects for the branch streams as well as building dams and agricultural reservoirs will be completed by 2012.