Tracy Quan, Royal Caribbean's director of brand communications, said the commercials were meant to reach all age groups, including children and teenagers.
The Group's content and digital agency creates brand communications.
It creates brand communications across various media - print, digital and live.
GilmoreGroup's approach focuses on user experience, creation of visual impact, and strong brand communication, ensuring that the experience is clearly on message.
It was first used in 1999 by Patrizia Musso, an Italian professor of brand communication.
Mr. Leahy said that its marketing for the new brown sugar product would "remain consistent with Splenda's existing brand communication."
Interactive advertising can play a crucial role in supporting such two-way brand communications, he added.
"We don't promote it," said T. Nathaniel Walker, the company's director of brand communications.
Listening to and inspiring an authentic higher purpose in consumers will be the great challenge of modern brand communications.
If you want to do a large brand communication, you need Yahoo.